Languages bridge different cultures. And in this perspective, French and English share a unique linguistic bond. Centuries of historical and cultural exchanges have resulted in numerous words that look, sound, and mean the same in both languages. This understanding can make learning French easier for English speakers.
Can we therefore explore some shared words with their contextual meanings?!!

Art and Culture
Words like ballet, a classical dance form, and cuisine, meaning a style of cooking, are common examples. Similarly, théâtre (dramatic performances), genre (a category of art), critique (a detailed review), and renaissance (cultural rebirth) reflect French influence. Words like mosaic, portrait, and collage further illustrate this artistic bond.
Fashion and Luxury
Terms like boutique (a specialized shop), chic (stylish), and couture (high-end custom fashion) dominate global runways. Mannequin (a model), lingerie (intimate apparel), and silhouette (outline of a figure) are just as prominent. Even perfume (Fr: parfum), fabric (Fr: fabrique), and satin owe their roots to French.
Politics and Society
In governance and law, shared words are abundant. Words like parliament (legislative body), verdict (legal decision), and justice (fairness) are essential. Terms like bureaucracy (Fr: bureaucratie), policy (Fr: politique), régime, and constitution have also come into daily parlance. In social settings, words like rendezvous (meeting), etiquette (manners), and fiancé (engaged person) have become part of daily vocabulary.
